Whole Wheat Pita

In Bosch bowl with dough hook, add:
2 cups warm water
1 T honey
1 t. salt
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 T. yeast
Mix thoroughly. Add whole wheat flour until mixture cleans sides of the bowl. Knead until smooth and elastic – 8 min only on speed one!

Divide into 24 pieces for small pitas or 12 pieces for larger pitas.
Roll into 1/4" to 1/8" thick circles on a floured surface. (Any creases in the dough will cause the pita to stick together and not form a pocket.) Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.

Bake at 500 degrees on a preheated pizza stone for 3 to 4 minutes. Watch carefully. Remove from oven when pita puffs up and is slightly golden. Place in bag to soften and flatten.